IFHRMS login – Employees in India have been offered many online schemes by the government. All portals are helpful for every state of India for all workers. We will now discuss the IFHRMS Portal 2024 Login by using this article. The Tamil Nadu government has launched an online portal called IFHRMS. The IFHRMS stands for Integrated Financial and Human Resources Management System. We have explained how to log into the portal, review the IFHRMS, and download the payslip in this article.
With its employees in mind, the Tamil Nadu state government has established a new web portal. IFHRMS Karuvoolam is an employee portal designed specifically for Tamil Nadu employees. It’s intended to help with the operations of the Department of Finance and other TN government departments.
ifhrms Portal – overview
Article Name | IFHRMS |
IFHRMS Full Form | Integrated Finance and Human Resources Management System |
Beneficiary | peoples in Tamilnadu |
Service Provider | Finance Department, Government of Tamil Nadu |
Go toDept. | Department of Treasuries and Accounts |
website | https://www.karuvoolam.tn.gov.in/ |

Karuvoolam.tn.gov.in – IFHRMS login for 2024
Under the Department of Treasury and Accounts of Tamil Nadu State Government, the Finance Department manages the portal. If workers have any issues, they can be contacted to help monitor the portal activity. Employees can access the portal by visiting https://www.karuvoolam.tn.gov.in/. All employee records are stored in the IFHRMS portal, as well as its services.
Portal Login Process for IFHRMS
Following are the steps that employees can follow for logging into the IFHRMS Tamil Nadu:-
- Visit the official website by clicking here
- You can now see the login option on the page
- Enter your IFHRMS username
- Enter your PASSWORD instead
- Last but not least, click on the blue button
- It is important to note that many employees do not have a USER ID or PASSWORD. Don’t worry about this so simply contact a help line number and obtain your USER ID or PASSWORD
This is the IFHRMS login index
The IFHRMS login page has two index pages if you want to login
- Login to Karuvoolam IFHRMSPage of the TMS for the IFHRMSIFHMRS TMS Login Details
- Visit this link for more information: enter your USER ID and passwordSign in to your TMS accountPlease contact the following numbers if you experience a login problem:
- HelplineNumber:- +9144 40172172
Pensioner Login for 2024 for IFHRMS
Therefore, the following steps help pensioners log into the Karuvoolam IFHRMS portal:-
- Click Here to visit the official website of IFHRMS
- IFHRMS, then click “Sign In”
- Select the pensioner from the user type list.
- Type in your PPO number.
- Provide your username and password.
- From there, you can access the pensioner login portal.
Integrated Finance and Human Resources Management System departments
Due to the IFHRMS login option being available for the following Tamil Nadu department. Here is a list of all the departments that fall under the Finance Department:-
- Audit of local funds
- Treasury and Accounts
- Pension
- Pension
- Pensions Small Savings
- Co-op Audit
- at the Government Data Center
- Auditor General of Statutory Boards
Check Payslips at IFHRMS
You can download your payslip at the IFHRMS portal by following these steps:
- Click here to access the IFHRMS login portal
- Login to the TNTA OAM page at karuvoolam.tn.gov.in
- Also, click on the OPEN button on the IFHRMS page
- to access the Finance options
- options: Click Here
- to go to the payroll page
- page, then click on the Results button
- to access the Payroll results page in IFHRMS
- IFHRMS, select the period
- under Bill type and select regular salary
- from the Paybill groups
- choose Document Link under Payslip Option
- Option, then download the IFHRMS bill payslip in PDF format
IFHRMS Payslip Details
On the Download PDF payslip or bill you can see the following information:
- Name of the employee
- and the number of employees
- at the post
- called “Office Name”
- CPS and GPF numbers
- Information on duty pay, dearness allowance, house rent allowance, medical allowance, gross amount, and net pay credited.
The IFHRMS DDO Template login page.
Please login to the IFHRMS DDO v3 Template portal. Use the following suitable process:-
- Visit the link http://e-sr.tn.gov.in/IFHRMS_DDO_Template
- and type in your TO or PAO number
- to enter the DDO code
- to enter the password.
- Click on IFHRMS DDO Template portal to enter the password.
Karuvoolam NSD Change in I F H R M S?
The latest update on the IFHRMS portal, karuvoolam.tn.gov.in, announces a new NSD Change.
To avoid retrying payroll on Feb 21, NSD has been separated from payroll run. Therefore, no need to give a Mark for Retry for NSD corrections.
A new screen has been provided for updating NSD. An online User Manual has been uploaded for this purpose. You can view it by clicking here.
E-Paylips for I FHRMS
ePayslips are available online through the Treasury Department in Tamil Nadu. You can get your epayslip using the following procedure for IFHRMS:
- Click this link to access ePayroll: http://epayroll.tn.gov.in
- Go to the login page of the tngepay website.
- Choose the Epayslip option.
- Click the Epayslip option.
- Type in the EmPcode and select suffix.
- Enter your birthdate.
- Press the Login button.
ध्यान दें :- यदि आप केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार की योजनाओं के बारे में जानना चाहते हैं तो हम आपसे हमारी वेबसाइट को बुकमार्क करने और नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके हमारे टेलीग्राम और फेसबुक पेज से जुड़ने का आग्रह करते हैं।अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ Like और share जरूर करें ।
इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद…
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