How To e Pan card Download,Nsdl, UTI ePancard Online 2024

e pan card download | e filing pan card download | e pan card download UTI | e pan card download nsdl | how to download e pan card

Today we will tell you about the process of downloading e pan card here, how you can download your e pancard as well as what happens to your e pan card if you have made your pan card but your pan card is now Till it has not been delivered to your address, or if your PAN card is lost, then you can download a soft copy of your PANcard and take a print out of it. Soft copy download is called e-pan card, e-pan You can download the card from NSDL ( e pancard download uti ) and if you have made your pan card from UTI then you can download your e Pancard from UTI ( e pan card download uti ) you will get your e pancard To know the complete process of how to download, you can read the article given below carefully.

How To E Pan Card Download, Nsdl, UTI HIGHLIGHTS?

? Name of schemeHow To E Pan Card Download, Nsdl, UTI
? Was launchedIncome Tax Department
?objectiveDownloading of lost and misplaced pan card.
? benefits? With the help of this post, all citizens can easily download their PAN card online.
? beneficiaries? Every citizen of india
? servicee-pan card download service
? Official WebsiteClick Here

how to download e pan card ?

Here we will tell you how to download both types of PAN cards, how you will be able to download both your e-pan card download UTI and e-pan card download NSDL, below we have given information about both one by one, first of all here you can download NSDL We will know about the process of downloading PANcard, after that below we will tell you about the process of downloading UTI PAN card.

What is E Pan Card ?

e PanCard Download Now the use of PAN cards has become very much, now it has become mandatory for all the people to make PAN Card in order to bring all the people in the eyes of tax. And now all the banks have made PAN Card mandatory to open the account, in such a way, for the delay in the arrival of the PAN card, the PAN card department has started the e-PAN card facility.

Now, this facility is providing cable UTI or NSDL Pancard Service but gradually all these PAN card agencies will start ePancard Download! e pan card looks like a pan card, if you also want to apply for a pan card from UTI pan card service, then you will have to enter your email id in it!

NSDL E PanCard Online Download Information?

  • If you had also applied for making PAN card online from NSDL and your PAN card has not been received at your address even after 15 and 20 days.
  • So you will be able to download your e-pancard online, for this, a new link has been added on the official website of NSDL, just a few days ago, NSDL used to send PAN card to online PANcard makers on their email ID only, but in such a situation many The customers did not receive the PANcard on their email itself.
  • Keeping this in mind, now NSDL has added a new link on its official portal, with the help of which you will be able to download your PAN card by hand, but for this you will be able to download new PAN card only.
  • If your PAN card is 5 or 6 months or 1 to 2 years old, then you will not be able to download such an old PAN card. You will be able to download only the recent new PAN card, let’s know what is the process of downloading.

E Pan Card Download Nsdl Online?

  • To download your e-pan card, click on the link given here and go to the official website of the NSDL PAN card.
e pan card download Nsdl
  • After successfully opening the website, you will be asked for Enclosure Number or PAN Card Number.
  • After that you have to enter your Aadhar number below.
  • After entering the Aadhaar number, you have to enter your date of birth.
  • After successfully entering the date of birth, you have to agree to the below terms and conditions.
  • And below you have to enter the captcha code and click on the submit button.
  • After clicking on the submit button, you will see your email id and mobile number in which you will have to verify yourself by sending OTP.
  • After the verification process is over, you will get the option to download the e-pancard, click on the download button and download your e-pancard to NSDL.

NSDL E-Pancard Download Essential Information?

  • To download e-pancard, you need to enter your email and mobile number while applying your Nsdl PanCard.
  • After 8-10 days your e-pan card will be sent to your registered email id.
  • Open your email and download e-pancard.
  • NSDL E-Pancard Download will be downloaded in pdf.
  • Enter your DOB and open the file exp if your DOB 13/07/1991 then you have to write 1307191
  • Now print your e PAN card given below

UTI E PanCard Download Online Information?

If you had also applied for online PAN card from UTI and your PAN card has not been received at your address even after 15 and 20 days. So you will be able to download your UTI E PanCard online, for this a new link has been added on the official website of UTI, just a few days ago, UTI Online PanCard makers used to send PANcard to their email ID only, but like this Many customers in India did not receive PANcard on their email.

Keeping this in mind, now UTI has added a new link on its official portal, with the help of which you will be able to download your PAN card by hand, but for this you will be able to download new PAN card only.

If your pan card is 5 or 6 months or 1 to 2 years old then you will not be able to download such old pan card, you will be able to download a new pan card only recently. Let us know what is the process of e pancard download uti.

E Pan Card Download Uti?

  • Click on the link given below to download UTI PANCARD.?
  • After clicking on the link given above, you will go to its official website.
e pan download uti
  • Where you will get UTI e PANCARD DOWNLOAD page open in front of you.
  • Where you have to give your PAN card number first, you will have to enter the date of birth below it.
  • Below that, you will be asked for the GST number, if you have it, then put it, if not, then leave it.
  • After that you have to fill the captcha code and submit.
  • After that in the second step, you will have to verify yourself through the OTP process.
  • After getting verified, you will have to make a successful payment of ₹ 8.
  • After the payment is completed, you will have to give email id mobile number.
  • You will be sent e-Pan Card on your email id, after which you will have to open your PAN card in the password by entering the date of birth.
  • And now you can take out the print of your PAN card.

How To E Filing Pan Card Download?

E PanCard is a form of PAN card which is sent to your mail id in the form of a soft copy and till your original PAN card does not come to your home by speed post, then in that case you can use this E PAN card. can avail the service

UTI E-Pancard Download Essential Information?

  • To Download an e-pancard, you need to enter your email and mobile number while applying for your UTI.
  • After 8-10 your e-pan card will be sent to your registered email id.
  • Open your email and Download e pancard
  • e pan card will be downloaded in pdf
  • Enter your DOB and open the file exp if your DOB 13/07/1991 then you have to write 1307191
  • Now print your e PAN card given below

What is e-pan card?

Dear friends, when you download the electronic copy of your PANCard from the internet, it is called e-pancard.

What is the advantage of downloading e-pan card?

If your PANcard does not come to your address within the stipulated time and you need PANcard for the work you need, then you can download your e-pancard.

Is the copy of e-pan card valid everywhere?

Yes, the copy of e-pan card is valid everywhere.

Is there any fee to be paid for downloading e-pan card?

Yes, if you want to download your e-pancard, then you have to download your epancard by paying some fee.

To download e-pancard, it is mandatory to link aadhar card and email id mobile number with our pancard?

Yes, if your email id mobile number and Aadhar card will not be linked with your PANcard, then you will not be able to download your e-pancard.

Can we download our e-pancard if we have lost our mobile number?

Yes, if your OTP goes to your email id then you will be able to download your e-pancard.

What is the difference between UTI PAN card and NSDL PAN card?

As we tell you both the companies work in making PANcard whether it is NSDL or UTI so if you have made your PANcard from NSDL then you will download NSDL e PANcard and if you have made your PANcard from UTI then You will download your PANcard from UTI.

ध्यान दें :- प्यारे साथियों अगर आप केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार की योजनाओं के बारे में जानना चाहते हैं तो आप हमारी वेबसाइट को बुकमार्क में सेव करके रखें और नीचे दी गई लिंक पर क्लिक करके हमारे टेलीग्राम और हमारे फेसबुक पेज से जुड़े अपने इस वेबसाइट  के माध्यम से देते हैं तो आप हमारे वेबसाइट को फॉलो करना ना भूलें ।

अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ Like और share जरूर करें ।

इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद…

Posted by Hinditime

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e pan card download


What is e-pan card?

Dear friends, when you download the electronic copy of your PAN card from the internet, it is called e-pancard.

What is the advantage of Download e pancard?

If your PAN card does not come to your address within the stipulated time and you need PANCard for the work you need, then you can download your e-pancard.

Is there any fee to be paid for downloading e-pan card?

Yes, if you want to download your e-pan card, then you have to download your e-pan card by paying some fee.

What is the difference between UTI PAN card and NSDL PANcard?

As we tell you both the companies work in making PANCard whether it is NSDL or UTI so if you have made your PAN card from NSDL then you will download NSDL e PANcard and if you have made your PANcard from UTI then You will download your PAN card from UTI.


“मैं [Rahul , [ ] का संस्थापक हूं। मुझे टेक्नोलॉजी, डिजिटल टूल्स और उपयोगी संसाधन साझा करना पसंद है। इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से, मैं आपके लिए आसान और प्रभावी समाधान लाने का प्रयास करता हूं। नवीनतम अपडेट और टिप्स के लिए जुड़े रहें!”

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