CSC E Shram Card Login, EShram Card Portal Registration,Eshram card NCO Family Code | CSC VLE received commission e shram card | Uan Number Apply
How to make E Shram Card and how to make E Shram Card, how to login EShram Card, what are the benefits of E Shram Card, we are going to give you all this information here so that you can easily make your csc eshram card?
CSC Eshram Card: Through a new initiative of the Union Ministry of Labor and Employment by the Modi government, the government has launched the e Shram Portal where all unemployed and small employment workers will be registered. About 38 crore working youth across the country will be benefited under this scheme by the Union Ministry of Labor and Employment.
By launching the eshram portal by the government, all those unemployed and crores of unorganized workers across the country will be connected here and they will be given a new identity. will be added. Here the details of all the workers will be available and through eShram card all the working youth will be identified all over India, who will get help in getting employment.
CSC eshram Card All Important Information?
? Service Name | CSC E SHRAM Card Service |
? Name Of Card | Eshram card Unique Identification Number (UAN) Card |
? Service Launch By | PM Narendra Modi |
? Authority Name | Ministry of Labor and Employment, Government of India |
? Beneficiary | All Workers And Laborers |
? Objective | Collecting data of all employment in the unorganized sector |
? Official Website | Shramsuvidha.Gov.In |

csc e Shram card Yojana?
A new toll free helpline number has also been launched by the Ministry of Labor and Employment. By calling on 14434 you can get complete information about eshram card and “ Eshram Card Registration” process. As soon as a worker is registered here, only one Eshram card will be prepared for him, in which there will be a 12 digit identification number from which that worker will be identified.
₹ 1000 in the account of eShram card holders, see here?
E Shram card that for all the beneficiaries, the installment of ₹ 1000 has been sent directly to their bank account by the government if you also want to know whose money you have received or not, then you can do this information online, for this, you have to The bank account has to be checked and an amount of ₹ 1000 will have been sent by the government to your bank account.

Eshram Card Login Link?
✔ CSC E Shram Registration | Apply Online |
✔ CSC E Shramh Card Update | Apply Online |
✔ NDUW CSC E Shramik Card Status Check | Apply Online |
✔ NDUW Get 12 Digit UAN Number | Apply Online |
✔ Update E-Kyc CSC Eshram | Click Here |
✔ Eshram Official Website | Click Here |
CSC eShram Registration Report check?
Another update for CSC vle is coming out here in which you have been told how many e labor cards have been generated by each VLE inside your district by each CSC ID, you can check online through the method given below.
And you can find out how many eShram cards have been made by you so far and accordingly you can also estimate your commission, so let’s know how many labor cards you have on your CSC ID. how to watch
CSC eShram Registration Report List check 2024?
- To check the E Shram Card Report, you have to first go to the here.
- ☑️After successfully opening the website, the page shown below will appear in front of you.
- After the website is opened, you will see the menu of the dashboard here, you have to click on it.

- Next After clicking here, you have to keep scrolling down, here you will see the complete graph below.
- After this you have to slide the page down, here you will see the name of all your states.
- Here you have to click on the plus button in front of your state.
- Now all the districts will open inside your state, now you have to click on your district.

- After this, all the CSC IDs running in your district will open in front of you and the list of CSC E Shram Cards made by them will appear in front of it.
- In this way you can find out how many e Shram cards have been generated by which CSC ID
csc E-Shram Portal Registration 2024?
A new portal has been prepared by the Union Ministry of Labor and Employment to identify and identify about 38 crores working youth across the country, where the details of all those unorganized labor workers will be present and for whom a new identity will be given along with this, e shram Card will also be given for them as an identity.
All the unorganized workers, big or small, will be registered here and this e Sharam card will be valid all over India. The government has started the process of making it online, you can also make your own labor card, but for this, the government has put some conditions, whose information we are going to inform you below.
CSC VLE received commission e shram card card?
Dear CSC VLE If you make E Shram Card from CSC. And if you have made more and more eshram cards, then let us tell you that CSC has sent a commission to make eSharam card inside your CSC DigiPay Wallet. In the first phase, the commission of all the eShram cards that were created by CSC VLE has been sent to your CSC DigiPay, you can check your CSC eShram Card Commission check by opening your CSC DigiPay immediately.

Eshram Card Apply Without Aadhar linked mobile ?
If your mobile number is not linked on your Aadhar card and that’s why you are not able to make your E shram card, then we are going to tell you here how you can make your Eshram card without Aadhar OTP by putting your thumb, friends. For this you will have to go to any nearest Common Service Center where you will be made your Eshram Card through Aadhar card absolutely free of cost.
A database of all the unorganized workers is being prepared by the Union Ministry of Labor and Employment. | Or such persons who earn their living by doing daily wages.
The government will have the details of all those workers who earn their living by doing their daily wages as laborers, along with all such laborers and youth who are also associated with the state government, they can register themselves here and make their eShram Card. can | CAR is creating a database of all unorganized workers at the national level to trace all those workers who are petty domestic workers including migrant workers, street vendors, potters, barbers, blacksmiths, tailors, barbers, And all other types of small business or manual laborers, etc., will be included here and their labor card will be prepared to give a new identity to all of them.
NDUW Eshram Card?
CSC NDUW Eshram Card – As you have been told that by giving a new identity to all the unorganized sector workers by the Ministry of Labor and Employment, a database of all of them has to be prepared and all of them have to be identified along with all of them. To provide labor cards so that the government has the identity of all of them. You can also know the labor card by the name of “ NDUW Eshram Card ”, along with it there are many other names in which you will be considered as your labor identity card in the name of this labor card which will be valid everywhere.
The main center, Sir, has emphasized on making this card and by preparing a database of all the unorganized workers, the government is going to emphasize on services like providing employment to all of them, so that the unemployed youth can be traced and they can be benefited by the facilities like employment.
Who will get the CSC NDUW Eshram Card?
To make eShram Card, the government has given some conditions, if you also come under these conditions, then your labor card will also be made. In which all such workers will be included whose information is as follows – here building workers, vegetable sellers, fruit sellers, hand cartmen, rickshaw auto drivers, daily wage workers, auto drivers, tonga Runners, MNREGA workers, Asha workers, milk sellers, farmers, migrant laborers, newspaper sellers, barbers, brick kilns, bidi makers, fishermen, small and small marginal farmers, cattle rearers, small and People doing small business, etc.
will be linked to the scheme of eshram cards under the Ministry of Labor and Employment, all of them will be given a new identity, all these people can make their Eshram Card online or visit any nearest public service center absolutely free of cost. can make.
Purpose of eshram card?
The main objective of making ” Eshram Card “ by the government is to connect all the unorganized workers under one portal and by giving a new identity to all of them, prepare a database of all of them so that all the workers and laborers get the benefits of government schemes directly. and all such petty workers can be identified.
From where will I get the eshram card?
Online system has been started to make eShram card, if you also want to make your own labor card, then you can make it online from your mobile, it will be completely free, along with you do not have mobile available and you can use it absolutely. want to get free So the government has made arrangements for making this card free of cost at Common Service Centers across India.
You can get the CSC Eshram Card made absolutely free by visiting all the common service centers, there you will not be charged any fee.
Which Shramiks are included in the unorganized sector?
- ✔️Small and Marginal Farmers
- ✔️Agricultural Laborers
- ✔️Share Copper
- ✔️fishermen
- ✔️Animal Husbandry
- ✔️Beedi Makers
- ✔️Labour and packing
- ✔️Builders
- ✔️Leather Worker
- ✔️Weaver
- ✔️Extendable
- ✔️Rickshaw drivers
- ✔️Auto Driver
- ✔️Newspaper Seller
- ✔️Vegetable and fruit seller
- ✔️Haircutters
- ✔️Domestic Workers
- ✔️Medicine sellers
- ✔️Workers in saw mills
- ✔️Bit kiln workers
- ✔️Resident Laborer
- ✔️Milk seller
- ✔️Farmer
- ✔️Asha Worker
- ✔️MNREGA workers
- ✔️Street sellers
- ✔️House maid
- ✔️General Services Providers
- ✔️Silk & Products Manufacturers
- ✔️Tannery worker
- ✔️Etc.
csc eshram card video?
If you want to learn how to make E Shram Card properly, then by watching this video you can easily make your E Shram Card.
e shram card apply documents required?
If you also want to get your Eshram Crad Card made or want to make your “Eshram Card Online”, then you should have the following documents through which you will be able to get your own labor card made by applying online.
- ✔️ Aadhar Card
- ✔️Bank Passbook
- ✔️ Electricity Bill
- ✔️ Active Mobile Number
- ✔️Name
- ✔️Occupation
- ✔️Address Proof
- ✔️Family Details
- ✔️Educational Qualification
- ✔️Skill Details
- ✔️Ration Card
- ✔️Birth Certificate
- ✔️Mobile Number [Linked To Aadhar Card]
- ✔️Age Should Be Between 16-59 Years (06-09-1961 To 05-09-2005)
E shram Card Registration Charges?
Eshram Card is completely free, no fee is charged for this, you can get this labor card absolutely free of cost by visiting its official website and applying online.
csc E-Shram Card Benefits?
The Government of India has run many welfare schemes from time to time for all the workers and laborers of the unorganized sector. But because of the lack of awareness of any such scheme many workers are missing the opportunity to get the benefit of such scheme. If you register the portal for e Shram Yojana, then you will get the benefit of all these schemes.
- ✔️ Financial Aid
- ✔️Accident insurance cover of 2 lakhs will be available under PBSBY.
- ✔️In situations like emergency and national pandemic, necessary assistance will be provided to the eligible unorganized workers.
- ✔️ Benefits of Social Security Scheme
- ✔️All social security benefits will be provided through this portal.
- ✔️ More job opportunities
- ✔️ Premium Wave for 1 year
- 2 lakh insurance cover
- ✔️ Track the workforce of migrant laborers
EShram Card Eligibility?
You must have the following eligibility to generate eShram card?
- The person applying should not be an income tax payer.
- You should not have a government job.
- You are marked as an unorganized worker.
- The age of the E-Shram Card applicant should be between 16 to 59 years.
- Any worker who is unorganized can apply for this scheme.
How To E Shram Card Self Registration?
- You have to follow the following procedure to make shram card online. Read carefully what is given to
- you below and follow all the rules and make your own eSHRAM card.

- To create a labor card, first go to “Eshram Card Self Registration“.
- After successfully opening the website, you will see “REGISTER On E-Shram” here, you have to click on it.

- After clicking here, it will take you to the page of Eshram Card Self Registration.
- Now you have to give your Aadhar link mobile number here.
- After this you have to fill your captcha code below which is visible here.
- After this you have to come down and click on SEND OTP.
- Now an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number, you have to verify it here and submit it.
- ✅ Now another web page will come in front of you where you have to enter your Aadhaar number and submit it by putting a check mark.
- ⏩Now an OTP will come on your Aadhaar registered mobile number which you will have to verify.
- Now all the information about your Aadhaar will be visible to you here.
- After reading all the information, you have to put a check mark and click on the button of Continue.
- After this you will now go to the personal information page where you have to fill all your personal information.
- In this way, after reading all the steps, you will have to submit the application successfully by filling the correct information in it.
- After successfully submitting the application, you will see your eShram card here.
- After this, now you can download your labor card from here.
E Shramik Card EKYC Update?
- To update Shram Card KYC, you must first visit the Shram Card website.
- After successfully opening the website, you will see the option of “Already Registered”, click here.

- After this you will see the option of Update KYC below, click on it.
- Now you have to enter your Aadhaar number here and fill the captcha code.
- Submit after filling the information successfully.
- Now complete your KYC process again here.
- And after that now you download your labor card by updating your KYC from here.
- Eshram Card Update Profile.
- To update the labor card profile, first of all visit the official website of labor card.
- After successfully opening the website, you will see this Shram Card Profile Update option.
- After this you will see the option of Already Registered above, you have to click on it.
- You can update your profile here with the help of Aadhar number or with the help of UAN number.
- Now you have to enter your UAN / Aadhar number here.
- After entering the UAN / Aadhar number, you have to fill the captcha code and click on send OTP.
- After successfully verifying the OTP, your profile will open here.
- Now you can do whatever changes you want to make in your labor card profile here.
- After successfully updating the labor card profile, submit it here.
- After this, now you can download your Eshram Card from here
how to make e shram card with fingerprint machine?
- How to make E-Shram Card through Fingerprint Machine, we are going to give you complete information about it here.
- If you want to make eshram card through fingerprint machine, then first you have to set up the browser.
- After setting the browser, you have to open your browser and open the eshram card website in that.
- Now you have to go to the page of e-shram card registration
- After going to the page of e-shram card registration, you have to enter any mobile number for OTP.
- After submitting the OTP, the beneficiary will have to enter the Aadhar card number.
- Now after this you have to select the Biometric option.
- After this you capture the beneficiary biometric. CSC EShram Card Registration,
- After capturing the biometric wait for a few seconds
- Biometric will be captured successfully then submit
- Now all the information will open in front of you, then you fill the eshram card form completely and submit it successfully.
- To login to CSC ESHRAM CARD, you have to first go to your Digital Seva Portal.
- After successfully login to Digital Seva Portal, you will see New Service above.
- You will also see CSC ESHRAM CARD LOGIN Link inside these services.
- You have to click on CSC ESHRAM CARD LOGIN here.
- After this you will be able to login CSC E SHRAM CARD from here.
- Or you can directly login CSC labor card here by clicking on the link given below.
CSC Eshram Card Online Apply?
- For this, first you have to login to your Digital Seva Portal.
- After successfully login, you will see the service of labor card in the new service here, you have to click on it.
- If you do not see that service, then you can directly go to CSC E Shram Card Login Link by clicking here.
- Now you will see your CSC E Shram Card Login Dashboard.
- Here you have to click on New CSC Shram Card Registration.
- Now you have to enter your mobile number here.
- After this an OTP will come on your mobile number which you will have to verify here.
- After this, you have to enter your Aadhar number here and mobile number should be linked with Aadhar card.
- Now an OTP will be sent to your same mobile number.
- Here you have to verify this OTP.
- ✅ After this you have to fill all the information here correctly to make CSEE labor card.
- After filling the information you have to submit the application successfully.
- ✅ After this your labor card will be ready from CSC which you can download here.
How to csc eshram card status check?
- #1: To do “Csc E Shram Card Status Check”, first click on above CSC E Shram Card login link.
- #2: After successfully opening the Csc E Shram Card Login dashboard, you will see the option to check the status here.
- #3: If your labor card is ready, then you will see it here.
- #4: If you want to do any kind of update in your labor card, then you can do it from here.
- #5: If your photo is not visible on your “Csc E Shram Card” then you should update it again.
Will eShram card be made for farmers?
eshram card Only agricultural laborers and landless farmers will be considered eligible for registration on eSHRAM portal. No other farmer is eligible for E Shram Card Scheme. UAN is a universal account number. It is a 12 digit number, which is uniquely assigned to each unorganized worker after registration on the Eshram portal. UAN number will be a permanent number.
CSC shram Card website not working problem solve?
Friends, if you are facing problem in making e-shram card from CSC and your e-shram card portal is not working, then how to solve it, we are going to tell you here in this video.
who are unorganized workers
Any such person who works in the unorganized sector and who does not have any organization, such a person is called an unorganized worker.
Along with this, such laborers who are daily wage workers and are not members of ESIC or EPFO are also kept in the category of unorganized workers. For example, if you teach tuition or have a sewing shop or you are a barber, you still fall into this category.
e shram card New NCO Family Code List ?
Click here to see the new NCO code list of eShram card and you can download the new list from here and use it some changes have been made in the old NCO list so you should use the new NCO code list only | NEW NCO Code List | Sector Name | Family Name | Job Role / Occupation | |
1 | 6111.0100 | Agriculture | Field Crop and Vegetable Growers | Cultivator – General | |
2 | 6111.0200 | Agriculture | Field Crop and Vegetable Growers | Cultivator – Crop | |
3 | 6111.0601 | Agriculture | Field Crop and Vegetable Growers | Cultivator – Cotton | |
4 | 6111.0800 | Agriculture | Field Crop and Vegetable Growers | Cultivator – Fruit (Horticulturist) | |
5 | 6111.1300 | Agriculture | Field Crop and Vegetable Growers | Cultivator – Vegetables | |
6 | 6112.0201 | Agriculture | Tree and Shrub Crop Growers | Toddy Tapper | |
7 | 6112.0501 | Agriculture | Tree and Shrub Crop Growers | Tea Plantation Worker | |
8 | 6112.0601 | Agriculture | Tree and Shrub Crop Growers | Coffee Plantation Worker | |
9 | 6112.0701 | Agriculture | Tree and Shrub Crop Growers | Bamboo Grower | |
10 | 7315.1000 | Glass Makers, Cutters, Grinders and Finishers | Capital Goods & Manufacturing | Bead Maker (Glass) | |
11 | 7315.1100 | Glass Makers, Cutters, Grinders and Finishers | Capital Goods & Manufacturing | Optical Worker | |
12 | 7315.18 | Glass Makers, Cutters, Grinders and Finishers | Capital Goods & Manufacturing | Glass Bangles Maker | |
13 | 7412.0203 | Electrical Mechanics and Fitters | Capital Goods & Manufacturing | Iron & Steel – Fitter Electrical Assembly | |
14 | 8122.6700 | Metal Finishing, Plating and Coating Machine Operators | Capital Goods & Manufacturing | Picker | |
15 | 8131.4200 | Chemical Products Plant and Machine Operators | Capital Goods & Manufacturing | Box Making Machine Operator (Match) | |
16 | 8131.4300 | Chemical Products Plant and Machine Operators | Capital Goods & Manufacturing | Box Filling Machine Operator (Match) | |
17 | 8131.6200 | Chemical Products Plant and Machine Operators | Capital Goods & Manufacturing | Rubber Worker |
e shram card NCO Family Code ?
S.No | NCO Family Code | Name | Sector Name |
1. NCO Family Code | 6111 | Field Crop and Vegetable Grower | Agriculture |
2. NCO Family Code | 6112 | Tree and Shrub Crop Growers | Agriculture |
3. NCO Family Code | 6121 | Livestock and Dairy Producers | Agriculture |
4 | 6122 | Poultry Producers | Agriculture |
5. NCO Family Code | 6123 | Apiarists (Bee Keepers) and Sericulturists | Agriculture |
6. NCO Family Code | 9211 | Crop Farm Labourers | Agriculture |
7. NCO Family Code | 9213 | Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Labourers | Agriculture |
8. NCO Family Code | 9214 | Garden, Horticultural & Plantation Workers | Agriculture |
9. NCO Family Code | 9215 | Forestry Labourers | Agriculture |
10. NCO Family Code | 9216 | Fishery and Aquaculture Labourers | Agriculture |
11. NCO Family Code | 9999 | Other (with Description) | Agriculture |
12. NCO Family Code | 7531 | Tailors, Dressmakers, Furriers and Hatters | Apparel |
13. NCO Family Code | 7533 | Sewing, Embroiderers and Related Worker | Apparel |
14 | 8153 | Sewing Machine Operators | Apparel |
15 | 9999 | Other (with Description) | Apparel |
16 | 5112 | Transport Conductors | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
17 | 5165 | Driving Instructors | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
18 | 7231 | Motor Vehicle Mechanics and Repairers | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
19 | 8321 | Motorcycle Drivers | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
20 | 8322 | Car, Taxi and Van Drivers | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
21 | 8331 | Bus and Tram Drivers | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
22 | 8332 | Heavy Truck and Lorry Drivers | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
23 | 8344 | Lifting Truck Operators | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
24 | 9122 | Vehicle Cleaners | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
25 | 9331 | Hand and Pedal Vehicle Drivers (Cycle Rickshaw and Cart Puller) | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
26 | 9332 | Drivers of Animal -Drawn Vehicles and Machinery (bulluck cart, horse carriage etc | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
27 | 9999 | Other (with Description) | Automobile & Trasnportatio n |
28 | 2264 | Masseur/ Massager | Beauty & Wellness |
29 | 5141 | Hairdressers, Barber | Beauty & Wellness |
30 | 5142 | Beauticians and Related Workers | Beauty & Wellness |
31 | 9999 | Other (with Description) | Beauty & Wellness |
32 | 4213 | Pawnbrokers and Moneylenders | BFSI |
33 | 4214 | Debt Collectors and Related Workers | BFSI |
34 | 9999 | Other (with Description) | BFSI |
35 | 7212 | Metal Moulders and Core Makers | Capital Goods & Manufacturin g |
36 | 7212 | Welders and Flame Cutters | Capital Goods & Manufacturin g |
37 | 7221 | Sheet Metal Workers | Capital Goods & Manufacturin g |
38 | 7221 | Blacksmiths, Hammersmith and Forging Press Workers | Capital Goods & Manufacturin g |
39 | 7222 | Tool Makers and Related Workers | Capital Goods & Manufacturin g |
40 | 7223 | Metal Working Machine Tool Setters and Operators | Capital Goods & Manufacturin g |
EShram Card State Wise Online Apply?
Andhra Pradesh E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Arunachal Pradesh E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Assam eshram card registration | Apply Online |
Bihar eshram card registration | Apply Online |
Chhattisgarh eshram card registration | Apply Online |
Goa E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Gujarat E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Haryana E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Himachal Pradesh E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Jammu And Kashmir E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Jharkhand E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Karnataka E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Kerala E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Madhya Pradesh eshram card registration | Apply Online |
Maharashtra eshram card registration | Apply Online |
Manipur eshram card registration | Apply Online |
Meghalaya eshram card registration | Apply Online |
Mizoram eshram card registration | Apply Online |
Nagaland E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Odisha E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Punjab CSC eshram card login | Apply Online |
RajasthanCSC eshram card login | Apply Online |
SikkimCSC eshram card login | Apply Online |
TamilNadu E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Tripura E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Uttarakhand E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Uttar Pradesh CSC eshram card login | Apply Online |
West Bengal eshram card registration | Apply Online |
Andaman & Nicobar Islands eshram card registration | Apply Online |
Chandigarh CSC eshram card login | Apply Online |
Dadra & Nagar Haveli eshram card registration | Apply Online |
Daman & Diu CSC eshram card login | Apply Online |
National Capital Territory Of Delhi CSC eshram card login | Apply Online |
Lakshadweep E Shramik Card | Apply Online |
Puducherry CSC eshram card login | Apply Online |
?Recently, the central government had launched the e-shram portal for the workers of the unorganized sector. So far more than 7 crore workers have joined this portal. E-shram cards will also be given to the workers. This card is acceptable across India.
e-shram Card Kyc?
ध्यान दें :- प्यारे साथियों अगर आप केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार की योजनाओं के बारे में जानना चाहते हैं तो आप हमारी वेबसाइट को बुकमार्क में सेव करके रखें और नीचे दी गई लिंक पर क्लिक करके हमारे टेलीग्राम और हमारे फेसबुक पेज से जुड़े अपने इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से देते हैं तो आप हमारे वेबसाइट को फॉलो करना ना भूलें ।
अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ Like और share जरूर करें ।
इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद…
Posted by Hinditime
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See also :
- Labour Card, majduri card, Shramik card, salary certificate online Apply
- How To Close Pradhan Mantri Shramyogi Mandhan Yojana Account/Close PMSYMY Account
- Pradhan Mantri Free Solar Panel Yojana | Kusum Yojana 2021-22
- CSC Ayushman Bharat Yojana (5 Lakh Bima Yojana) Smart Card Online apply
- pm shram yogi mandhan yojana
️What Is e shram Card?
e Shram card has been made to identify the workers of the unorganized sector.
How to Online register eShram portal?
To make E Shram Card, first we have to go to the official website of E Shram Card, after that we can make E Shram Card by registering ourselves online on the website.
e shram card ke Kya fayde hai?
All the laborers of the unorganized sector will get an identity from the labor card and they will be given the benefits of government schemes.
e shram card download pdf Kaise Karen?
You can download your E Shram Card by logging in with your mobile number by visiting the official website of E Shram Card
🔗 संबंधित पोस्ट:
- Bihar Ration Card Apply 2025 : बिहार राशन कार्ड बनाने की प्रक्रिया
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- Prasuti Sahayata Yojana 2025 : गर्भवती महिलाओं को मिलेगी ₹16000 की सहायता राशि
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“मैं [Rahul , [ ] का संस्थापक हूं। मुझे टेक्नोलॉजी, डिजिटल टूल्स और उपयोगी संसाधन साझा करना पसंद है। इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से, मैं आपके लिए आसान और प्रभावी समाधान लाने का प्रयास करता हूं। नवीनतम अपडेट और टिप्स के लिए जुड़े रहें!”
there is no TELANGANA state in the list how to apply telangana people let me know
hi eshram card kase bante hai
hi main 12th pass ker li hai main job kar na chahati hu
main e shram se judna hai sava main se judna hai
hi main computer dgree hu or edujcted hu main devband sarahranpur ki rehne vali hu my collge nam baburam haayer collge ye collge girls collge hai ye devband se sarahranpur road pe hai
My name yashpal